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主要从事水产动物营养与繁殖、免疫与微生态调控等研究工作,尤其熟悉乳酸菌的筛选与鉴定、水产动物生理代谢、水产疫苗研发、体内体外鱼类病理模型的构建及外源中草药与免疫调控等水产研究方向。主持或参与国家级、省部级基金项目3项,参与制定中华人民共和国国家标准1项;曾获2022年度吉林省科学技术奖二等奖1项,在第十三届世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会作报告,在第十二届世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会获优秀墙报奖,在水产益生菌与鱼类肝胆疾病防治领域积累了丰富的科研经验,以第一和第三作者申请发明专利2项,以第一作者和通讯作者身份在国内外学术期刊累计发表科技论文24篇(SCI论文15篇,中文核心期刊9篇),SCI累计影响因子IF:78.968,其中,中科院一区TOP 12篇(同1 篇 SCI 入选 ESI 高被引4次,发表于Aquaculture;单篇最高影响因子IF:10.753,发表于Science of the Total Environment),中科院二区3篇,文章累计他引超过200次。













[1] 吉林省科技发展计划项目(重点研发),20230202067NC,2023-01至2025-12, 50万,在研, 主持

[2] 中华人民共和国农业农村部科技教育司,现代农业产业特色淡水鱼体系专项资金,CARS-46,鳢营养需求与饲料,2017-01 至 2025-12,在研,参与


[1] 张璐,陈效儒,王用黎,王桂芹,邵彩梅,孔祎頔,刘敏佳,赵鑫,刘雪兵,张凤枰,李民. 中国标准,水产配合饲料第11部分:泥鳅配合饲料,GB/T 22919.11,全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 76),2023-2-1,6/11,参与

[2] 孔祎頔,王桂芹,李民,陈秀梅,牛小天,李若铭,孔雨昕,吴雪芹. 姜黄素在乌鳢饲料添加剂方面的应用,2021-12-21,专利,CN202111571249.4,1/8,第一发明人

[3] 李民,王桂芹,孔祎頔,牛小天,陈秀梅,吴雪芹,孔雨昕,李若铭,邹记兴. α-硫辛酸在减轻溴氰菊酯诱导的乌鳢毒性方面的应用,2022-02-16,专利,CN202210140078.8,3/9,第三发明人


1. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Guosheng Chu, Hongjian Liu, Xiaofeng Shan, Guiqin Wang*, Guanghong Han. The positive effects of single or conjoint administration of lactic acid bacteria on Channa argus: Digestive enzyme activity, antioxidant capacity, intestinal microbiota and morphology, Aquaculture, 531 (2021) 735852. ESI高被引4, JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=5.135.(第一作者)

2. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Changge Xia, Xinyu Liu, Guiqin Wang*. A novel model construction of lithocholic acid-induced cholestasis and transcriptome analysis in snakehead fish (Channa argus), Aquaculture, 543 (2021) 737014. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=5.135.(第一作者)

3. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Guiliang Guo, Linhai Yu, Li Sun, Zhuang Yin, Ruomin Li, Xiumei Chen, Guiqin Wang*. Effects of dietary curcumin inhibit deltamethrin-induced oxidative stress, inflammation and cell apoptosis in Channa argus via Nrf2 and NF-κB signaling pathways, Aquaculture, 540 (2021) 736744. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=5.135.(第一作者)

4. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Xueqin Wu, Changge Xia, Xinyu Liu, Guiqin Wang*. Protective mechanism of homologous lactic acid bacteria against cholestatic liver injury in snakehead fish, Aquaculture, 550 (2022) 737845. JCR Q1/中科院一区TOP, IF=5.135.(第一作者)

5. Yidi Kong#, Yuanhuan Kang, Jiaxin Tian, Dongxing Zhang, Lei Zhang, Luotao Tao, Tonglei Wu, Ying Li, Guiqin Wang**, Xiaofeng Shan*. Oral immunization with recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing flaB confers protection against Aeromonas veronii challenge in common carp, Cyprinus carpio, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 87 (2019) 627-637. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=4.622.(第一作者)

6. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Jiaxin Tian, Linhui Zhao, Yuanhuan Kang, Lei Zhang, Guiqin Wang*, Xiaofeng Shan. Effects of recombinant Lactobacillus casei on growth performance, immune response and disease resistance in crucian carp, Carassius auratus, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 99 (2020) 73-85. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=4.622.(第一作者)

7. Yidi Kong#, Chunshan Gao, Xiaoyan Du, Jing Zhao, Min Li, Xiaofeng Shan, Guiqin Wang*. Effects of single or conjoint administration of lactic acid bacteria as potential probiotics on growth, immune response and disease resistance of snakehead fish (Channa argus), Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 102 (2020) 412-421. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=4.622.(第一作者)

8. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Xiaofeng Shan, Guiqin Wang*, Guanghong Han. Effects of deltamethrin subacute exposure in snakehead fish, Channa argus: Biochemicals, antioxidants and immune responses, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 209 (2021) 111821. JCR Q1/中科院二区TOP, IF=6.729.(第一作者)

9. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Ruoming Li, Xiaofeng Shan, Guiqin Wang*. Evaluation of cholesterol lowering property and antibacterial activity of two potential lactic acid bacteria isolated from the intestine of snakehead fish (Channa argus), Aquaculture reports, 17 (2020) 100342. JCR Q1/中科院二区, IF=3.385.(第一作者)

10. Yidi Kong#, Min Li, Changge Xia, Jing Zhao, Xiaofeng Shan, Guiqin Wang*. The optimum thymol requirement in diets of Channa argus: effects on growth, antioxidant capability, immune response and disease resistance, Aquaculture nutrition, 2021, 27 (2021) 712-722. JCR Q1/中科院二区, IF=3.781.(第一作者)

11. Min Li, Yidi Kong*, Wanqing Guo, Xueqin Wu, Jiawen Zhang, Yingqian Lai, Guiqin Wang*. Dietary aflatoxin B1 caused the growth inhibition, and activated oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway, inducing apoptosis and inflammation in the liver of northern snakehead (Channa argus), Science of the Total Environment, 850 (2022) 157997. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=10.753.(第一通讯作者)

12. Min Li, Yidi Kong*, Jixing Zou, Xueqin Wu, Zhuang Yin, Xiaotian Niu, Guiqin Wang*.  Transcriptome and physiological analyses reveal the mechanism of the liver injury and pathological alterations in northern snakehead (Channa argus) after dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1, Aquaculture, 561 (2022) 738727. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=5.135.(第一通讯作者)

13. Min Li, Xueqin Wu, Jixing Zou, Yingqian Lai, Jiawen Zhang, Xiumei Chen, Yidi Kong*, Guiqin Wang*. Protective effects of thymol on deltamethrin-induced toxicity of Channa argus in association with the NF-κB/Nrf2/p53 pathway, Aquaculture, 559 (2022) 738429. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=5.135. (第一通讯作者)

14. Min Li, Yidi Kong*, Yingqian Lai, Xueqin Wu, Jiawen Zhang, Xiaotian Niu, Guiqin Wang*. The effects of dietary supplementation of α-lipoic acid on the growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immune response, and disease resistance of northern snakehead, Channa argus, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 126 (2022) 57-72. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=4.622.(第一通讯作者)

15. Min Li, Xueqin Wu, Jixing Zou, Yingqian Lai, Xiaotian Niu, Xiumei Chen, Yidi Kong*, Guiqin Wang*. Dietary α-lipoic acid alleviates deltamethrin-induced immunosuppression and oxidative stress in northern snakehead (Channa argus) via Nrf2/NF-κB signaling pathway, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 127 (2022) 228-237. JCR Q1/中科院一区Top, IF=4.622.(第一通讯作者)

16. 孔祎頔#,李民,王桂芹*. 动物胆汁酸代谢与肠道微生态的互作关系, 中国畜牧杂志, 2019.12 (第一作者)

17. 孔祎頔#,田佳鑫,陈秀梅,牛小天,单晓枫,王桂芹*. 水产动物益生菌及其对肠道菌群影响的研究进展, 中国畜牧杂志,2019.01(第一作者)                                                                                                             

18. 孔祎頔#,李民,王桂芹*. 胆汁酸的生理功能及其对水产动物的影响研究进展, 中国畜牧杂志, 2019.12(第一作者)

19. 孔祎頔#,田佳鑫,赵林辉,陈秀梅,单晓枫,王桂芹*. 维氏气单胞菌AcrV基因的克隆与原核表达, 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2019.04(第一作者)

20. 孔祎頔#,郑伟,陈秀梅,刘洪健,单晓枫,陈玉珂,王桂芹*. 谷氨酰胺和精氨酸对乌鳢生长与免疫功能的影响, 饲料工业, 2018.08(第一作者)

21. 孔祎頔#,徐晴,李民,尹壮,吴雪芹,赵倩茹,窦曙光,王桂芹*. 粪肠球菌W24对乌鳢生长性能、抗氧化能力及免疫功能的影响, 饲料工业, 2021.07(第一作者) 

22. 孔祎頔#,李民,吴雪芹,单晓枫,王桂芹*. 乳酸乳球菌L19对乌鳢生长、免疫功能及抗氧化能力的影响, 饲料工业, 2021.12.(第一作者)                                                                                                                                                    

23.孔祎頔#,单晓枫,牛小天,吴莉芳,王桂芹*. 乌鳢真菌性、寄生虫性及病毒性疾病研究进展, 水产科技情报, 2019.03(第一作者)

24. 孔祎頔#,单晓枫,牛小天,吴莉芳,王桂芹*. 乌鳢细菌类疾病的研究进展, 科学养鱼, 2018.06(第一作者)



1. 王桂芹,夏长革,陈秀梅,牛小天,李沐阳,孔祎頔,田佳鑫,李若铭,熊鼎,左亚男,刘林林,尹东鹏. 吉林省科学技术厅,科技进步二等奖,淡水名优鱼类健康养殖营养调控技术研究与应用,2022,6/12

2. 孔祎頔,第十三届世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会,会议报告,山东省青岛市,2021-10-11至2021-10-15

3. 孔祎頔,第十二届世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会,优秀墙报奖,河南省郑州市,2019-10-14至2019-10-18

4. 孔祎頔,博士研究生国家奖学金2次,中国人民共和国教育部,2020,2021

5. 孔祎頔,全国水产领域研究生创新与学术交流一等奖,大连海洋大学、辽宁省海洋水产领域研究生创新与学术交流中心,2020

6. 孔祎頔,吉林省研究生科技论文演讲比赛获三等奖,吉林省科学技术协会,2021


1. 吉林省水产学会会员

2. 《Aquaculture》、《Fish Shellfish & Immunology》等国际期刊审稿人


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